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August Employee Newsletter Ideas: Recognition and Summer Fun

Looking for August employee newsletter ideas? You’ve come to the right place. They are designed to engage with employees and introduce some fun into the workplace.
Written by: Cerkl
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Published: July 25, 2024
Comprehensive Guide for Winning Employee Newsletter Creation
Create Personalized Employee Newsletters

What are the key elements of an engaging employee newsletter? What should not be included in an employee newsletter? Find the answers to those questions and more best practices in our comprehensive guide on creating employee newsletters.

Employee newsletters are a valuable tool for fostering a well-informed, engaged, and motivated workforce. They contribute to a positive company culture and ultimately benefit the organization’s success. However, the challenge for internal communicators is to keep them fresh and relevant. One way to do this is to focus on things that happen in a particular month. 

August is a month for soaking up the last rays of summer before the summer season ends in September. This provides a great opportunity to use your company newsletter to suggest how to celebrate fun days, recognize achievements, and keep team morale high. 

This post highlights ideas, many of which relate to key dates relevant to businesses and employees in August. It also suggests creative newsletter ideas to leverage these ideas. 

We have suggested several blog post possibilities. Unlike a structured newsletter with a range of articles and readable items in one package, individual blog posts can be personalized and circulated by Cerkl Broadcast News Digest. Additionally, you can link from the newsletter to longer posts if you wish. 

All these strategies are valuable within internal communications. Combined, they can be extraordinarily powerful tools! 

August Employee Newsletter Ideas and Holidays 

Get ready to discover ways to incorporate National Watermelon Day into a refreshing treat or competition, celebrate Women’s Equality Day by highlighting the incredible women in your company, or leverage National Relaxation Day to promote employee well-being. While these are not official State holidays when most businesses close, they are popular celebratory days that organizations can leverage to increase employee engagement. A couple of them were established through presidential proclamations or congressional resolutions. These serve to raise awareness about a specific topic or achievement, but they don’t hold the same legal weight as a federal holiday. 

So, grab your virtual sunglasses and dive into this guide for making your August employee newsletter a summer send-off to remember.

National Watermelon Day (August 3)

National Watermelon Day is celebrated by many Americans who enjoy watermelon slices at picnics, barbecues, or simply as a refreshing summer treat. This year it falls on a Saturday, providing a perfect opportunity for fun activities. Here are two ideas. 

Watermelon carving contest: Organize a watermelon carving competition with prizes for the most creative and funniest entries. This is a lighthearted activity that encourages team bonding and some friendly competition.

Refreshing watermelon recipes: Watermelon is an ingredient that you can use to create a healthy and seasonal treat that everyone can enjoy at the office or at home. Invite employees to submit recipes for a refreshing watermelon drink or salad that you can include in your August newsletter. Offer the biggest watermelon you can find as a prize – and maybe a smaller one for a second prize. 

If you get a good response for recipes from employees, combine them into a mouthwatering blog post that can be circulated via NewDigest. 

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National Simplify Your Life Week (August 7-13)

National Simplify Your Life Week likely emerged from a confluence of cultural trends promoting minimalism, personal well-being, and decluttering. The concept resonated with people, making it a recognized observance among those interested in simplifying their lives. Here are some August newsletter ideas to inspire you:

Declutter your physical space: Encourage employees to dedicate some time to decluttering their workspace, home, or belongings.

Organize your digital life: Suggest they declutter their digital space by organizing files, unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, and simplifying their online presence.

Re-evaluate commitments: Tell them to reflect on daily routines, social obligations, and activities. Unless required by work commitments, they might consider letting go of things that no longer serve well.

Practice mindfulness: Inspire employees to simplify mental space by incorporating mindfulness techniques like meditation or spending time in nature after hours.

International Coworking Day (August 9) 

While co-workers are people who work at the same company, coworking involves sharing the same space. Co-workers might share spaces or they might share or have their own offices. Remote co-workers might work from home. 

International Coworking Day is thought to have been suggested by Tony Bacigalupo, co-founder of New York City’s first dedicated coworking space in 2010. The idea of celebrating it on August 9 was rooted in a blog post written by software engineer Brad Neuberg in 2005. Neuberg discussed the concept of a shared workspace where independent creators could work together and build a community

Another theory about its origins is related to a non-profit hacker space established in Berlin in 1995. This could explain its internationality. 

Spotlight your coworking community: Feature employee testimonials in your August newsletter about the benefits of coworking spaces and how they foster collaboration and improve productivity.

Coworking resources and tips: Share tips and resources for effective co-working, such as communication strategies and etiquette for shared spaces.

august newsletter ideas for international coworking day

Update Your Bio Day (August 10)

Update Your Bio Day is an idea conceived by Dr. Jason J. Jones, the Director of the Computational Social Science of Emerging Realities Group, in 2020. Essentially, it’s a day for individuals to reflect on the words they choose to represent their online selves. “Celebrate your accomplishments and present an updated self. Use the hashtags #BioUpdate and #BioUpdateDay2023 to announce your new bio.”

In case you’re wondering, Dr. Jones chose the date  8/10 — or 810 —because it looks like BIO! This association makes the date easier to remember for Update Your Bio Day.

Suggest ideas for this day in your August newsletter. For example:

Internal employee directory makeover: Encourage employees to update their bios in the company directory with their latest skills, accomplishments, and interests. This can help foster better connections and collaboration within teams.

Bio writing workshop: Offer a short online or in-person workshop on writing compelling and informative employee bios. This can help ensure everyone feels confident presenting themselves professionally within the company.

You could also write a blog post about Dr. Jones with background about Update Your Bio Day and a little about his research.  

Annual Medical Checkup Day (August 11)

Popular in health organizations and medical institutions, Annual Medical Checkup Day aims to raise awareness and encourage people from all organizations to schedule their checkups — not only those working in the health industry. 

The focus of Annual Medical Checkup Day is to highlight the importance of early detection and proactive health management. Early detection of potential health issues can lead to better treatment outcomes and potentially prevent more serious complications down the line.  

Promote wellness programs: Highlight any company wellness programs or initiatives that encourage preventative healthcare in your newsletter. This could include discounted gym memberships, on-site health screenings, or partnerships with healthcare providers.

Health tips and resources: Share informative articles or infographics about the importance of annual checkups and provide resources for employees to find healthcare providers. Resources can also be in the form of more comprehensive articles. 

National Financial Awareness Day (August 14)

National Financial Awareness Day seems to have been observed for about the past five years. It stems from the need to increase awareness of financial literacy in the community. It is recognized as a valuable platform to encourage people to prioritize their financial well-being and education. By understanding financial concepts, individuals can make informed decisions about saving, investing, and managing debt. This knowledge empowers them to achieve their financial goals.

Financial wellness resources: Feature resources on financial planning, budgeting, and saving strategies in your August newsletter. You could partner with a financial advisor to offer a Q&A session for employees.

Employee spotlight on a financial guru: Highlight an employee who demonstrates strong financial literacy and encourage them to share budgeting tips or success stories.

august newsletter ideas for national financial awareness day

National Relaxation Day (August 15)

National Relaxation Day is celebrated annually on August 15 in the U.S. It serves as a lighthearted reminder to take a break from the daily grind and prioritize relaxation and self-care. 

Its origins are legendary. On a hot, summer’s day in 1985, nine-year-old Sean Moeller from Michigan felt overwhelmed and simply wanted a day to relax. He pitched the idea to his grandfather, who helped him create the unofficial holiday. Even though Sean was young, his idea resonated with people and the day has an enduring legacy. National Relaxation Day continues to be celebrated annually, reminding us to prioritize relaxation and well-being.

Now, there is even a website dedicated to National Relaxation Day that has information about everything from improving sleep and enhancing performance to anxiety disorders and managing stress. This shows that it’s a good idea for organizations to take it seriously.

You might like to create your own blog post that talks about Sean Moeller or perhaps what official activities are promoted by the National Relaxation Day website. Otherwise, you can share:

Stress-reduction techniques: Feature articles, infographics, or short videos on mindfulness, meditation, or other stress-reduction techniques employees can use at work and home.

Employee testimonials about relaxation: Compile testimonials from employees about their favorite ways to unwind after work. This can inspire others and promote a healthy work-life balance.

Tell a Joke Day (August 16)

It’s always a good idea to include some humor in your newsletters. Humor has been a universal human experience for centuries. It’s likely that Tell a Joke Day emerged organically as a way to celebrate this shared appreciation for laughter and lightheartedness.

Here are a couple of lighthearted August newsletter ideas: 

Virtual joke-telling competition: Host a virtual joke-telling competition among employees. This is a fun way to break the ice, boost morale, and showcase some hidden comedic talent. Then feature the best jokes in your newsletter. 

“Funny Bone” employee spotlight: Feature an employee known for their sense of humor in a lighthearted spotlight piece. You could include a funny anecdote or a favorite joke they like to share.

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Guidelines for newsletters that will maximize employee commitment
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National Aviation Day (August 19) 

A celebration of all things regarding flight, National Aviation Day commemorates the significant contributions of aviation to society and inspires future generations to reach for the skies. August 19 was the birthday of Orville Wright, one of the Wright Brothers credited with the first successful controlled, powered, and sustained airplane flight on December 17, 1903.

In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a presidential proclamation officially declaring Orville Wright’s birthday, August 19th, as National Aviation Day. Interestingly, Orville Wright was still alive at the time, living another nine years after this recognition. However, even though it is now a nationally recognized observance, like the other special days we have featured, it’s not a federal holiday in the United States.

Here are two August newsletter ideas that relate to aviation: 

Travel tips and safety reminders: Share travel tips and safety reminders for employees who might be taking summer vacations. This could include information on cybersecurity while traveling, packing tips, or navigating unfamiliar airports.

Dream travel destination survey: Conduct a survey about employees’ dream travel destinations and share the results in the newsletter. This can be a fun way to learn about their interests and spark conversations about travel goals. It’s a sure way to increase employee engagement. 

Women’s Equality Day (August 26)

Women’s Equality Day, celebrated on August 26th in the United States, commemorates a pivotal moment in American history: the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. 

The 19th Amendment, ratified in 1920, prohibited states and the federal government from denying the right to vote based on sex. This marked a major victory for the long and hard-fought women’s suffrage movement. Following the landmark 1970 Women’s Strike for Equality, Congresswoman Bella Abzug introduced a resolution designating August 26th as Women’s Equality Day. This resolution was passed in 1973.

Women’s Equality Day is a day to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about the need for equality of the sexes, and inspire action. 

Spotlight on women in leadership: Feature stories and achievements of women in leadership roles within your company. This can inspire and empower other women in the workplace.

Women’s equality resources: Share resources related to women’s equality, such as organizations that advocate for women’s rights or professional development opportunities.

august newsletter ideas for women's equality day

Tips for Creating an Engaging Employee Newsletter for August

  • Tailor the content: Consider your company culture and employee interests when choosing holidays and themes.
  • Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images, infographics, and GIFs to keep your newsletter engaging.
  • Employee Interaction: Encourage submissions like jokes, recipes, and photos for a more interactive experience.
  • Call to Action: Include links to resources, upcoming events, or surveys to keep employees engaged.
tips for creating an engaging employee newsletter

By incorporating these ideas and relevant August holidays, your employee newsletter can be a fun and informative way to connect with your team, celebrate their achievements, and send off the summer season on a positive note!

Remember, the key is to be creative and have fun! By using these ideas as a springboard, you can create an August employee newsletter that is both informative and enjoyable for your team.

Send Your August Employee Newsletter with Cerkl Broadcast

Cerkl Broadcast enables internal communicators to optimize email communications with Email Blasts, also known as Eblasts. A hugely important tool for internal communications, Eblasts are also the ideal vehicle to use for newsletter distribution. 

If you include Read More links, you can give readers the opportunity to read more detailed content about topics included in your August newsletter. Better still, these individual posts can be set for prioritized send during August, all personalized and tailored to individual employees and executed dynamically via Broadcast News Digest

What’s Next?

If you’d like to ensure that your newsletters engage employees and inspire them, we’ve got a myriad of tips in our free Employee Newsletter Guide for Internal Communicators. Grab it while you can. 

Free Newsletter Creation Guide

Free Newsletter Creation Guide

Guidelines for newsletters that will maximize employee commitment

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What should be included in an August employee newsletter?

An August employee newsletter can highlight summer events or fun facts related to National Watermelon Day or National Tell a Joke Day. It can also focus on back-to-school preparations for employees with children or tease upcoming fall initiatives. It can also include more serious topics related to special days that fall in August, like National Financial Awareness Day.

What is the best day of the month to send newsletters?

There’s no single “best” day for newsletters. Consider your audience’s habits. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays tend to be less busy for many people, so they might be more likely to read it then. Generally, companies like to avoid Mondays and Fridays when inboxes are typically overflowing.

How do I make my newsletter interesting?

Keep your newsletter concise, visually appealing, and focus on employee engagement. Use employee spotlights, success stories, or polls to make them feel involved. Add a touch of humor or interesting visuals to break up text and grab attention. 

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