Cerkl Broadcast
Cerkl Broadcast

Real-time communications analytics

With Broadcast Insights, your team can answer questions in seconds, not days.

Cerkl Broadcast Insights - Real-time communications analytics

Key Benefits

individual employee internal communications metrics,

Internal communications metrics

Open rates, click rates, content stats, what’s trending, and much more

individual employee internal communications metrics,

Goal tracking

Track intranet, newsletter, and mobile engagement metrics specific to your team’s objectives.

individual employee internal communications metrics,

Custom communication dashboard

Share with leadership how your initiatives impact the bottom line with custom dashboards.

Make decisions based on real-time internal communications metrics


Cross-channel metrics in one place

Broadcast Insights offers your team a way to think about your internal communications strategy holistically. Run and share reports from a centralized communication dashboard instead of hopping from platform to platform.

Channel Metrics - Cross-channel metrics in one place
Content Metrics - What content resonates with employees

What content resonates with employees

Discover your most popular channels and content. From onboarding materials to messages from leadership, take out the guessing and make data-driven decisions.


Detailed audience internal communications metrics

Understand your employees’ interests on a one-to-one basis to create best practices and replicate those lessons across your entire organization.

Communications Analytics - Detailed audience internal communications metrics
Ready to see the Real-time communications analytics in action?