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What is an Internal Company Newsletter and Why Your Company Needs One

An internal company newsletter is an invaluable tool for internal communications. Find out everything you need to know including five newsletter software options.
Written by: Penny Swift
internal company newsletter guide
Published: July 4, 2024
Comprehensive Guide for Winning Employee Newsletter Creation

Create Personalized Employee Newsletters

What are the key elements of an engaging employee newsletter? What should not be included in an employee newsletter? Find the answers to those questions and more best practices in our comprehensive guide on creating employee newsletters.

Do you ever feel like your company operates in silos, with departments working independently and employees being unsure of the bigger picture? This kind of communication gap can stifle morale, obstruct collaboration, and ultimately hurt your bottom line.

A very effective solution to counter this problem is to produce a regular internal company newsletter. It is a simple yet powerful tool that can bridge the gap and cultivate a more connected, engaged workforce. There is no lack of research evidence that proves how important newsletters are. 

For example, Gallagher’s State of the Sector 2023/24 report based on their internal comms and employee experience survey for this period indicates that 71% of organizations are using e-newsletters and 87% find them effective.  

But what exactly is an internal company newsletter and why should your company prioritize it?

In this post, we will tell you what an internal company newsletter is and how it differs from other company newsletters. We will outline the main benefits of these employee newsletters and suggest some best practices for success. Keep reading, because we also have some great company newsletter ideas as well as specific types. Using the right software to craft, deliver, and measure the success of your employee newsletters is vitally important. So, we’ve chosen five options and listed the strengths and unique features of each. 

What is an Internal Company Newsletter?

An internal company newsletter is a digital or printed publication that is distributed to employees. It serves as a central hub for sharing company news, updates, employee achievements, and other relevant information. It encourages a sense of community and aims to keep everyone on the same page, promoting transparency and a strong company culture. It’s a communication tool used to share company news and updates. This could include anything from new product launches and financial results to upcoming events and changes in leadership.

A company newsletter works really well to increase employee engagement. They can feature employee achievements, team celebrations, and company culture initiatives to foster a sense of belonging and connection. 

You can use them to promote transparency and communication. They can be a great vehicle to provide a platform to share leadership messages, address employee concerns, and keep everyone informed about important initiatives.

An internal company newsletter is also a great way to recognize and celebrate employees by showcasing contributions via articles, photos, or shout-outs. And you can use them to improve company culture by highlighting company values, promoting diversity and inclusion efforts, and creating a positive and collaborative work environment.

How Are Employee Newsletters Different From Other Newsletters? 

Internal company newsletters, including those targeted directly to employees, have some key differences compared to other types of newsletters. This includes their target audience, content focus, and purpose, and also their tone and style. Overall, employee newsletters are a valuable tool for keeping employees informed, engaged, and connected to the bigger picture within the organization. So, be sure to evaluate your needs when you design your internal company newsletters. 

Target Audience

The target audience of employee newsletters is intended exclusively for employees within a company, regardless of department, level, or location (though some companies segment for specific audiences). 

Other newsletters usually target a broader audience, like customers, industry professionals, or the general public.

  • Customer newsletters target existing customers who have opted in to receive updates, promotions, or educational content.
  • Industry newsletters target professionals within a specific industry who want to stay current on trends, news, and insights.
  • General public newsletters target anyone interested in a particular topic, like sports, entertainment, or technology.


The target audience is a key distinction between employee newsletters and other types of newsletters. Employee newsletters focus primarily on internal company news, updates, and employee-centric content. This could include company achievements, employee recognition, upcoming events, or internal policies.

The content of other newsletters varies depending on the target audience. It is also much broader, based on the purpose of the newsletter. 

Similarly, the goal of each varies. Employee newsletters are designed to keep employees informed, engaged, and connected to the company’s mission, goals, and culture. The goal of other types depends again on the target audience. It could be to generate sales leads, build brand awareness, educate readers, or simply entertain them.


Employee newsletters are designed to boost employee engagement, improve internal communications, and strengthen company culture. Other newsletters will typically have various other goals. These include promoting brand awareness, generating leads, informing customers, or positioning a company as a thought leader.

Tone and Style

Employee newsletters often have a more informal and conversational tone, fostering a sense of community and connection among employees. Other newsletters may have a more formal or professional tone depending on the target audience and their purpose.


Generally, employee newsletters are often published more frequently (for instance weekly or monthly) compared to some other newsletter types.


Additionally, employee newsletters are typically delivered electronically through internal communication platforms or email. Other newsletters might be delivered electronically or in print depending on the target audience.


Another factor worth considering is how the success of employee newsletters is measured compared to other newsletters. For example, employee newsletters focus on internal communications and engagement, while marketing/sales newsletters aim for external impact and conversions. Their success metrics reflect these different goals.

The success of employee newsletters is measured by:

  • Employee engagement surveys: Direct feedback from employees about how well the newsletter keeps them informed and connected.
  • Internal newsletter open rates: The percentage of employees who actually open the newsletter email.
  • Click-through rates: The percentage of employees who click on links within the newsletter.

The success of marketing and sales newsletters is tracked through:

  • Website traffic: The number of people who visit the company website after clicking a link in the newsletter.
  • Lead generation: The number of new potential customers sign up or express interest after interacting with the newsletter.
  • Brand sentiment analysis: How the newsletter affects people’s perception of the company brand.

According to ContactMonkey’s Internal Email Benchmark Report 2024, the average email open rates are 69%, ranging from 99% to only 10%. The average click rate is 10% and the average click-to-open rate is 14% They also provide a device breakdown that shows 86% of those involved in their study using a desktop computer and 14% using a mobile device. 

Average read times are also interesting, with 37% reading the email (which might include a newsletter) for more than 9 seconds. A similar percentage (36%) report only glancing at emails for 1-3 seconds, and 27% skimming them for between 3 and 9 seconds. 

Additionally, the report provides metrics for different industries as well as different company sizes — based on the number of employees. These are the stats for average open rates:

  • 1-50 — 69%
  • 51-200 — 68%
  • 201-500 — 73% 
  • 501-1,000 — 66%
  • 1001-5,000 — 68%
  • 5001-10,000 — 67%
  • 10,001+ — 71%

What are the Main Benefits of an Internal Company Newsletter?

According to ContactMonkey’s Global State of Internal Communications 2023, 45% of internal communicators rely most on an email newsletter for employee communications. Of course, organizations use them for different reasons. For example, 85% use them to share important updates while 70% use them to make CEO announcements. More than half (56%) use them to publicize and promote company events, while quarterly roundups, holiday themes, new hire updates, and annual newsletters feature as common themes for others.  

main benefits of email newsletters for employee communications

Important updates could include all sorts of issues ranging from internal communications to important company announcements. Company events could include anything from important corporate announcements to social events and birthday or anniversary acknowledgments. 

Here are some more specific ideas of how you can use a well-crafted internal newsletter to benefit your organization.

Boost Employee Engagement

Newsletters can showcase employee achievements, highlight company initiatives, and share department updates. All of these can contribute to a more engaged workforce by fostering a sense of connection and purpose. Don’t ever forget that a well-crafted newsletter can feel like a window into the heart of the organization.

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Guidelines for newsletters that will maximize employee commitment
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  • Profit from a powerful communication platform
  • Boost employee engagement
  • Improve the employee experience
  • Promote company culture for ROI

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Improve Internal Communications

The Axios HQ 2024 State of Internal Communications report states that 22% of employees prefer newsletters as one of the top 3 primary ways to share critical information. 24% of leaders agree.

Newsletters provide a platform that you can use to share important company news and updates efficiently. This ensures that everyone is informed and on the same page, reducing the risk of confusion or misinformation. Newsletters can also be a two-way street, encouraging feedback and fostering a more interactive communication culture.

Strengthen Company Culture

Regular communication fosters a sense of community and belonging. Newsletters can celebrate successes, showcase company values, and humanize leadership. They can also create a more positive and unified work environment where employees feel valued and empowered. You may not realize it, but newsletters can even be a platform to share fun facts and employee stories, adding a personal touch and building a stronger team spirit that leads to a strong company culture. 

Increase Transparency

Newsletters can be used to address employee concerns, explain company decisions, and promote open communication. By using data and clear explanations in your newsletters, you can build trust and demonstrate a commitment to transparency.

Provide Recognition

Highlighting employee achievements and celebrating milestones in the newsletter boosts morale and motivates others. Newsletters can also be used to recognize unsung heroes and everyday contributions. In this way, you can go beyond traditional awards, highlighting the value of every team member.

what is an internal company newsletter and what are the benefits

Employee Newsletter Best Practices

Crafting an internal company newsletter isn’t just about blasting out company updates. It’s about creating a communication channel that resonates with your employees and keeps them coming back for more. 

Here are some best practices to transform your newsletter from an afterthought to an engagement powerhouse:

  • Entice your audience to open the email: Most of us know the struggle of dealing with overflowing inboxes. When sending important messages and employee newsletters, you need to grab the attention of your audience with irresistible subject lines. Spark interest and curiosity with a hint of awesome content. Just be sure to keep subject lines concise, and if you use emojis, do so strategically.
  • Timing is everything: There’s a science to sending times. For example, it’s generally a good idea to target mid-week mornings when employees are likely checking emails. Avoid weekends unless they are on duty, as well as busy periods.
  • Avoid the info avalanche: Nobody wants information overload. Prioritize content and consider a weekly or bi-weekly News Digest that summarizes key updates from the newsletter. 
  • Metrics matter: Track your open rates and click-throughs to see what resonates with employees. Use this data to refine your content strategy and keep your audience engaged.
  • Embrace two-way communication: Don’t let your newsletter be a one-way street. Include polls, surveys, and/or Q&A sections to encourage employee feedback and foster a sense of interactivity. You could also ask employees to provide specific content. 

Best Internal Company Newsletter Ideas

The key to a successful newsletter lies in its content and presentation. It needs to be informative and engaging and should cater to the diverse interests of your employee base. Here are some winning company newsletter ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

Content Ideas

  • Shine a light on achievements: Everyone loves to feel valued. Dedicate a section to highlighting employee wins. Feature team accomplishments, celebrate promotions, and recognize milestones.
  • Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing: Foster a culture of learning by featuring employee-written articles on industry trends, best practices, or even life hacks relevant to your company.
  • Departmental deep dives: Offer a window into different departments. Include interviews with key personnel, highlight ongoing projects, and explain complex processes in an easy-to-understand way. Specialists from each department could write some of these. 
  • Fun facts and company culture: Weave in some lighthearted content to build team spirit. Share fun facts about the company’s history, feature employee hobbies and talents, or organize photo contests with company-themed prompts.
  • Employee wellness focus: Show your commitment to employee well-being. Include articles on stress management and healthy living tips, or spotlight healthy recipes from employee submissions.
  • User-generated content: Encourage employee participation by inviting submissions for photos, short stories, or even company-inspired artwork for a designated section in the newsletter.
  • Embed polls or surveys: Encourage feedback and gauge employee interest in specific topics.
internal newsletter content ideas

Design and Presentation Ideas

Keep the tone positive, professional, and approachable. Use a color scheme and fonts that reflect your company culture. By combining these presentation ideas with your winning content themes, you’ll create an internal newsletter that’s informative, engaging, and a joy to read for your employees.

Ultimately, make your employee newsletters visually appealing and easy to read.

  • Break up text: Use bullet points, numbered lists, and short paragraphs for easy digestion.
  • Incorporate visuals: Include high-quality photos, infographics, or even short videos to break up text and enhance understanding.
  • Maintain consistency: Use a clear and consistent template with designated sections for different types of content. Using a template with a header, company logo, and repeatable information like internal contact numbers or email addresses, will also make newsletters easier and quicker to produce. 

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Guidelines for newsletters that will maximize employee commitment
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  • Profit from a powerful communication platform
  • Boost employee engagement
  • Improve the employee experience
  • Promote company culture for ROI

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Internal Company Newsletter Examples

A well-crafted internal newsletter is a powerful tool for fostering communication, building employee engagement, and driving a positive company culture. Newsletters can be tailored to a variety of purposes and audiences within your organization. Here are some examples to inspire you:

  • Employee benefits newsletter: Inform employees about company benefits, including health insurance plans, retirement savings options, and wellness programs.
  • Employee wellness newsletter: Promote healthy habits and provide resources for employee well-being.
  • Employee spotlight newsletter: Recognize and celebrate employee achievements and contributions to the company.
  • Hospital employee newsletter: Tailor content specific to hospital staff, sharing department news, patient success stories, and upcoming events.
  • Departmental newsletters: Focus on specific departments or teams, highlighting their projects, achievements, and internal updates.
  • New hire welcome newsletter: Provide a warm welcome to new employees. Introduce them to the company culture, and share essential onboarding information.

How Long Should an Email Newsletter Be?

When it comes to internal company newsletters, there are no rules in terms of length, but brevity is often your best friend. Employees are busy, and their inboxes are overflowing. The goal is to create a newsletter that’s easily digestible and doesn’t require a huge chunk of time to read. However, it will also depend on what you want to include in each newsletter. 

Here’s a good rule of thumb:

  • Target a range of 200-500 words. This keeps the content concise and scannable, allowing employees to quickly grasp the key information. If you have multiple articles in one newsletter, keep them all as short as possible. Be sure to keep all content concise and focused. 
  • Prioritize relentlessly. Focus on the most important updates and announcements. If something isn’t essential, consider saving it for another edition or including a link for further reading. Aim to communicate clearly by choosing the most important information.
  • Link to detailed information: If a topic requires more explanation, provide a short summary and a link to the full content for interested readers.
  • Consider multimedia elements: Short videos, infographics, or engaging images can effectively convey information and enhance readability without adding excessive text.

Remember, the goal is to inform and engage, not overwhelm. A concise, well-organized newsletter will leave employees feeling informed and wanting more, not reaching for the delete button.

tips to create an easily digestible newsletter

Top 5 Internal Newsletter Software Options

Crafting engaging internal newsletters takes time and effort. But what if you could streamline the process and deliver personalized content to your employees? Here’s a breakdown of five leading internal newsletter software providers, highlighting their strengths and unique offerings. Your needs will determine which suits your organization best. 

  1. Cerkl Broadcast
  • AI-powered personalization: Delivers highly specific content based on employee interests, department, and location.
  • Automated News Digests: Saves internal communicators time by automating the curation and delivery of personalized News Digests. 
  • Predictive analytics: Gain detailed insights into how employees interact with your content through real-time analytics.
  1. Staffbase
  • User-Friendly Interface: Streamlines newsletter creation with a drag-and-drop editor.
  • Mobile-first design: The mobile-first design ensures that newsletters render flawlessly on all screen sizes, with clear calls to action, and easy-to-read text.
  • Comprehensive analytics: Provides detailed reporting on open rates, click-throughs, and employee engagement metrics.
  1. Poppulo 
  • Advanced analytics: Offers robust data tracking and reporting capabilities, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your newsletters.
  • Campaign management: Provides tools for managing and planning email campaigns efficiently.
  • Strong integrations: Integrates with various HR and communication platforms for a centralized workflow.
  1. Workshop
  • Drag-and-drop design: Simplifies newsletter creation with a user-friendly interface.
  • Mobile-optimized design: Ensures newsletters display well across all devices for optimal employee accessibility.
  • Collaboration tools: Allows teams to collaborate on newsletter creation and approvals.
  1. SnapComms
  • Targeted content delivery: Offers advanced options for targeting specific employee groups based on various criteria.
  • Internal communication integration: Integrates seamlessly with existing internal communications platforms for a unified experience.
  • Real-time feedback: Enables employees to provide feedback on newsletters through polls and surveys.

How to Improve Internal Newsletter Engagement with Cerkl Broadcast

While all the platforms in our list offer valuable features, Cerkl Broadcast differentiates itself through its unique combination of personalization and automation. 

By leveraging AI, Cerkl ensures that each employee receives a tailored digest of the most relevant company news, updates, and stories, fostering a more engaged and informed workforce. 

This automated approach also frees up internal communicators to focus on strategic communication initiatives.

What’s Next?

We know that it can be overwhelming to start producing employee newsletters without training or experience. That’s why we have produced a Comprehensive Guide for Winning Employee Newsletter Creation for people like you. Access this free ebook right here.

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Guidelines for newsletters that will maximize employee commitment

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What is an internal company newsletter?

An internal company newsletter is a publication distributed to employees to share company news, updates, and information. It fosters a sense of community and keeps everyone informed about the company’s goals and direction. Nowadays most employee newsletters are digital and delivered via email.

Why is an internal newsletter important?

An internal company newsletter is important for keeping employees engaged and connected. It promotes transparency, builds morale, and creates a sense of belonging. It’s a way to share company news, recognize achievements, and encourage feedback. Ultimately, it’s a vital element of any internal communications strategy.

What should you have in mind when creating a newsletter?

When creating a company newsletter, consider the target audience, what content would resonate with them, and how to measure success. Keep the tone informative and engaging, with a clear layout and easy-to-read content. Use visuals and calls to action, and invite employee contributions to boost readership.

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Free Newsletter Creation Guide

Guidelines for newsletters that will maximize employee commitment

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