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Tap into Cerkl’s New Broadcast Tools: A Cerkl Product Webinar

We’ve got a boatload of new features and employee newsletter updates to share with you. If you missed it - watch or share our Product team's webinar recording here.
Written by: Rachel Folz
Tap into Cerkl’s new Broadcast tools graphic
Published: May 26, 2020
Computer with inbox pulled up with lock, under a message opening in an envelope and getting clicked
Learn how Cerkl Broadcast can help

Internal communication is complicated. Learn how Cerkl Broadcast helps communicators focus on the important stuff and achieve their communication goals.

We’re making some massive improvements to your experience inside Cerkl Broadcast including a major segments upgrade, a new subscriber experience, and new ways to target your employee newsletter.

Missed the webinar? No biggie. Check it out below.

What’s Next?

Want to see these new tools in action? Book your demo now.

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