Create once, distribute everywhere
Key Benefits
Priority news
Send your must-see news with confidence with pinned content and mobile push notifications.
Deskless engagement
Create automated, relevant experiences for each employee.
Flexible comms
Simply target and cascade news when needed, no matter how complex the structure.
Simplicty: One click pushes content across all channels
Prioritize and segment
Content Hub gives you the ability to target individual pieces of content so you can easily get the right information to the correct audience at the right time.
Universal search
No matter what channel you send content to, our Content Hub can find it in an instant. Don’t waste time combing through your intranet, app, and newsletter to fix a single grammatical issue.
Not just SharePoint
Broadcast integrates with nearly every major intranet and HRIS platform not to mention support for thousands of different content sources.
Improve your department.
Transform your organization.
Industry Solutions
See how communication are made easier, across dozens of industries.
Organizational Goals
Customize Cerkl Broadcast to meet the needs of your company, one feature at a time.