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Top 10 Internal Communication Trends to Consider in 2024

Discover the cutting-edge internal communications trends of 2024 that are reshaping workplaces, from AI tools to hybrid work strategies.
Written by: Penny Swift
internal communications trends 2024
Published: June 13, 2024
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The world of internal communications is constantly transforming. It is driven by advancements in many areas. These include technology, shifting workforce demographics, and evolving employee expectations. 

Despite their differences, these all require internal communications professionals to adapt and innovate to effectively engage and inform employees in a rapidly changing work environment. This is why it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve by tracking trends and metrics. It’s the only way to ensure that internal communications strategies are aligned with business objectives. And that they will drive employee engagement, productivity, and ultimately, business success.

According to Verified Market Research published in May 2024, the internal communications software market will grow at the rate of 14.69% from 2024 to 2031. This emphasizes how important it is to keep up with the ever-changing landscape. 

We recognize how important it is to stay up to date to ensure success. So, we’re going to explore the top 10 internal communications trends that are making waves in 2024.

The ever-changing landscape of work demands constant adaptation in internal communication strategies. Staying on top of current trends in this area is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, effective communication is the backbone of successful change initiatives. New trends can equip you with the tools and methods to navigate these changes smoothly. They will also ensure employee buy-in and minimize disruption. 

Additionally, these trends can help you optimize communication flow and identify areas for improvement. By implementing the latest strategies, you can streamline information sharing and ensure everyone gets the right message via an acceptable channel at the right time.

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It’s essential to stay ahead of the curve in internal communications. To help you do this, we’ve evaluated the latest publications and reports to curate this comprehensive list of the top 10 internal communication trends for 2024. From the impact of AI on employee engagement to increased personalization of messages, these trends will shape the future of internal communications and inform your strategy for the year ahead.

#1 Engage Teams on Purpose, Strategy, and Values

In 2024, a seismic shift in internal communications prioritizes employee engagement around purpose, strategy, and values.

Gallagher’s State of the Sector 2023/24 report highlights this as the top focus for communicators. Almost three-quarters (74%) of respondents named employee engagement as the most important success indicator internal communicators are held accountable for. Closely linked to this, 70% chose strategy awareness as the most important indicator.  

Internal Communication Trends

Gone are the days of generic messaging. Employees crave a deeper connection to their work. Imagine a future where clear communication about your company’s “why,” the strategic roadmap and core values become the cornerstone of internal interactions.

#2 Develop and Refresh Internal Communications Strategies

The modern workforce thrives on agility. To keep pace, internal communications strategies will become living documents that are regularly reviewed and refreshed. This will ensure alignment with evolving employee needs and company priorities. 

To succeed, organizations will need to leverage surveys, focus groups, and data analytics to identify communication gaps and areas for improvement. Think of it as a continuous feedback loop, keeping your internal communications vibrant and effective.

#3 Enhance Leadership Visibility

In any business environment, leaders play a crucial role in setting the tone for internal communications. 

Gartner’s Top Priorities for HR Leaders in 2024 explores emerging HR trends. It also looks at priorities, steps, and solutions that organizations can take. Having surveyed more than 500 HR leaders across 40 countries in all major industries, they found that 75% of HR leaders say their managers are overwhelmed by the growth of their job responsibilities. Nearly as many (73%) confirmed that leaders and managers in their organizations simply aren’t properly equipped to lead change. 

Internal Communications Trends

With managers “cracking,” you might think that more training will help. Gartner says it won’t help. Instead, they need to evolve the job itself by resetting role expectations, rebuilding the manager pipeline, and literally rewiring manager habits. Ultimately, to enable HR leaders to eliminate “low-value rules that burden managers and employees,” they must remove process hurdles.   

In its 2024 Employee Engagement Strategies Checklist, Gallup advises organizations to train and develop their managers and equip them with skills needed to have meaningful conversations with their employees. 

They highlight a concerning trend — only 30% of managers feel fully informed by their supervisors about what’s happening within the organization. This means that a staggering 70% of employees lack confidence in their manager’s ability to keep them informed about what’s happening within the organization. 

Clear and consistent communication about company goals and policies is crucial for managers to effectively reinforce priorities and keep their teams aligned.

They also reveal that a significant skills gap exists among managers, with only 48% feeling confident in their ability to excel in their role. To bridge this gap, organizations must invest in manager training, focusing on essential skills such as having meaningful conversations, employee engagement, and performance development. 

#4 Personalize Employee Experiences 

The era of one-size-fits-all communication is fast coming to an end. To effectively engage employees, organizations need to adopt a tailored approach that acknowledges the diverse needs and preferences of their workforce. This involves a shift away from relying solely on email and towards a multi-channel strategy that incorporates a range of platforms, including internal social networks and mobile apps. By doing so, organizations can ensure that each employee receives the information most relevant to them, in the format they prefer, and at a time that suits them best. 

Gallagher’s State of the Sector 2023/24 report confirms that hyper-personalization gained widespread acceptance and predicts that it will remain in the top 5 internal communication trends during the next five years. 

The Kincentric Global Employee Experience Trends 2023 report also highlights the growing importance of personalization. The approach they encourage is for organizations to empower their managers to enrich and personalize the employee experience. Their research, together with what they have learned from high-performing clients, shows how important consistency is. 

“It is important to note that achieving consistency does not mean that everyone’s specific experience is the same — rather, it means that every experience strives to give people the same effect.” For example, younger less experienced employees are more likely to place a high value on learning and development to increase and broaden their opportunities. Those who have been with the company longer will seek opportunities that will help them deepen and improve their skills so they can improve their career paths. 

“These gaps suggest that what is working for some is not necessarily working for all (remember, no one size fits all). Personalization efforts allow you to enrich the processes in a way that is more meaningful for select groups while retaining what is working for others.”


#5 Measure Comms Impact and ROI for Informed Decision-Making

It’s no surprise that analytics is taking center stage when it comes to internal communication trends. The Gallagher report shows that communicators are getting better at measuring the impact internal communications make. The reach measurement between 2023 and 2024 increased, with 20% more respondents using measurement data to tailor content and build a business case for additional investment. Additionally, 84% of respondents said they want to increase measurement, despite a lack of time and resources. They also found that 70% of communicators use measurement data to prove ROI (18% more than in the previous 2022/23 year).

This shows that internal communications professionals are realizing the power that data has in their communication strategies. By analyzing numbers like engagement metrics, open rates, and employee feedback, organizations can tailor their messages. Employees will be more likely to resonate with their messages this way.

Of course, the emphasis on analytics isn’t just about numbers. It’s also about understanding what works and what doesn’t in internal communication trends. These insights enable companies to refine their approaches and create more effective communication strategies. If you have a robust analytics dashboard, you can see what is successful and what needs improvement. Then you can act on it.  

#6 Harness the Rise of AI in Internal Communication

In today’s digital era, technology continues to redefine the way we communicate. Internal communications trends in 2024 are marked by the seamless integration of technology into communication strategies. 

From AI-powered chatbots that talk in real-time to interactive communication platforms that with analytics, technology is driving efficiency and connectivity. This tech-savvy approach streamlines communication processes. It also ensures that employees have access to the information they need when they need it. 

Research from numerous companies provides evidence of this growing trend.  

According to IBM, 42% of IT professionals at organizations employing more than 1,000 report they have actively deployed AI. Of these, 59% have increased their investment or rollout of the technology. An additional 40% are actively exploring using the technology. Additionally, 38% of IT professionals at enterprises report that their company is actively implementing generative AI and another 42% are exploring it.

Gallagher reports that 68% of internal communicators believe that AI will have an impact on internal communication in the next five years. 

In addition, Mercer’s Workforce 2.0 report states that 53% of executives believe generative AI and automation will provide a 10-30% boost to productivity in their organizations. An additional 40% see it boosts the bottom line.

But the report warns that unless organizations take fundamental steps to actively redesign the workplace “ for a machine-augmented future,” they won’t benefit from “productivity gains.” 

To that end, 98% of organizations are planning work design changes in 2024, with increased productivity as the main driver.”

AI in Internal Communications

#7 Navigate the Landscape of Hybrid Work Communications

With the rise of remote and hybrid work, the way we communicate within organizations has evolved significantly. Hybrid work communications have become an integral part of internal communications trends in 2024. WFH Research has released a Working from Home Around the Globe: 2024 Report that states 25.5% of employees have adapted to a hybrid work model. Successful hybrid work communications ensure that remote and in-office employees stay connected.

internal communication trends

However, this is a changing world. The Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey from Deloitte states that a good work-life balance and flexibility remain paramount. But they identify a shift towards more on-site work, with more than 60% of respondents saying employers have “implemented a return-to-office mandate.” This either brings employees back to working on site or moving to a hybrid model. 

Staying informed about the state of hybrid vs on-site work keeps you competitive in the job market. It allows for quicker adaptability and adoption of new technologies. Moreover, companies are investing in training employees to navigate these tools efficiently. This way, everyone remains on the same page, regardless of their physical location.

#8 Prioritize Employee Wellness and Wellbeing Through Strategic Communication

Employee wellness is a crucial element of any good, successful work environment — and it includes internal communications. An increasing number of companies recognize the critical role communication plays in fostering a supportive and healthy work environment. The shift towards prioritizing employee wellness is one of the standout internal communication trends. 

Organizations are focusing more on open communication about mental health resources, flexible work arrangements, and initiatives that promote a work-life balance. As the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out, wellness programs can help improve employee health, reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity. By integrating wellness into communication strategies, companies can boost productivity and retention.

Internal Communications Trends

#9 Encourage Employee Advocacy to Stand Out From the Crowd

In the area of AI-generated content, many people don’t know who they should believe. Social media platforms that project “real” voices have become prevalent in corporate messaging. Creating employee influencers in the form of employee advocacy is one of the top internal communication trends communicators are interested in exploring in 2024. 

According to the Workshop 2024 Internal Communications Trends Report, in addition to thought leadership and manager communication (both of which we have talked about), employee influencers are one of the top trends for 2024. The report states that 55% of internal communicators want to continue the concept of employee influencers. 

“Studies have shown that employee posts on social media can generate 8x more engagement than when shared through official brand accounts. And the good news: Every single one of your employees has the potential to become a spokesperson.”


#10 Employ Effective Internal Communications Change Management 

Gartner points out that 82% of HR leaders who share their managers aren’t equipped to lead change. Also, employees feel disempowered and skeptical due to continuous change. The volume and pace of change are overwhelming for employees as changes are both stacked and continuous.

In 2024, organizations will have to navigate change effectively relying on strategic internal communication. Transparency will be paramount, with organizations regularly sharing the “why” behind shifts, their impact, and clear timelines.  Open forums, surveys, and town halls will become essential for addressing concerns and fostering two-way communication. This proactive approach builds trust, minimizes resistance, and unlocks valuable employee insights, ultimately leading to smoother transitions and a more engaged workforce.

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There is no doubt that internal communications trends are transforming the way organizations interact with their workforce. We’ve identified 10 important trends. By embracing these shifts and growth patterns, companies are not only fostering better collaboration and engagement. They are also creating a workplace culture that thrives on open communication and mutual support. 

Stay attuned to these trends in internal communications during 2024 to ensure your organization remains ahead in the dynamic world of business.

What’s Next? 

Learn how successful companies trust us to follow the right internal communications trends in 2024 and get feedback on your current communication strategies. We’re offering a free template with no risk or commitment. 

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Why are internal communication trends important?

Internal communication trends are important because they help organizations adapt to a changing workforce and workplace. By understanding these trends, companies can ensure they’re using the most effective methods to keep employees informed, engaged, and aligned with company goals. Ultimately, they will also help to improve overall business performance.

What role does thought leadership play in internal communications? 

Thought leadership in internal communications involves establishing yourself as a trusted source of information and insights. It plays a crucial role in internal communications by providing a platform for leaders to share their vision, values, and priorities with employees. This can help build employee confidence in leadership and encourage open communication by demonstrating a commitment to transparency and knowledge sharing.

Does AI matter to internal communicators?

AI matters to internal communicators because it has the potential to revolutionize the way they engage with employees, analyze data, and personalize communication. By leveraging AI-powered tools, internal communicators can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and deliver more targeted and effective communication to employees.

How Does Employee Advocacy Work?

Employee advocacy leverages the power of your workforce to become brand ambassadors. By providing employees with the tools and resources to share positive experiences and company content on their personal networks, you can amplify your reach and build trust with potential recruits and customers.

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