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Boost employee engagement graphic

How to Boost Your Employee Communications Measurements

  Of course, you want to grow your employee communications stats, it’s how you measure your success. But a boost is more than an up-trending graph; a true boost can change your perspective and grant you the ability to see more of the playing field. Define Success for Your Internal Communications Initiatives Like it or not, data is one of the best ways to prove the impact of your work. Whether you are judged solely on turnover at the end of the year or not, an understanding of the stats that can have an impact on turnover or show you if there is a potential problem lurking in the shadows will make you a stronger internal communicator. If you’re not tracking, you have no way of improving and making your case internally. To begin, you first must define what you will measure and why it is important to your company. “Understanding how an organization, department, team, and individual all define engagement and assessing where there are gaps in those respective definitions, is important to creating an employee engagement strategy that can have a universal impact,” suggests Mark Darren Gregor, VP of Client Experience for Sloan Group International. Data = C-Suite […]