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30 Best Employee Experience Ideas to Retain Your Workforce

Employee experience ideas are imperative for employee retention. If you’re drawing a blank, relax and read on. We’ve got lots of EX ideas for you.
Written by: Penny Swift
employee experience ideas
Published: February 19, 2024
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Employee experience (EX) is a factor in business that can never be overstated. It spans everything that affects employees while they are working for an organization, from leadership to the tools they are given to do their work. Apart from enhancing productivity, a positive EX serves as a robust recruiting tool and facilitates the creation of a healthy office culture. 

Gallagher’s State of the Sector 2023/24 Internal Communication and Employee Experience report is telling. The company’s global managing director, Ben Reynolds, says they set out to find out how effective communication can enhance employee understanding. Ultimately, they wanted to know what makes a real difference when it comes to improving the employee experience. 

Asked to consider the purpose of internal communication, 86% of respondents who report to an internal communication department chose strategic alignment. The choice for 82% was culture and belonging. 

Of course, employee experience is directly related to employee engagement. So, it isn’t surprising that 74% of their survey respondents named employee engagement as a success indicator for internal communication.  

employee engagement as a success factor

According to Chris Andrew, consulting lead at Gallagher, the employee value proposition — the deal employees get – is key. It is, in essence, what is expected of employees and includes everything from behavioral norms and company culture to benefits and development opportunities. Yet, only 31% of survey respondents said their EVP was documented. 

Whether it’s about offering growth opportunities or ensuring work-life balance, corporations need to be innovative in their approaches to curate a memorable employee experience. In this comprehensive blog post, we discuss the importance of experience and the significance of employee retention. We also explore five trends researchers say are transforming experience. 

Then we are going to share 30 compelling ideas that organizations can adopt to elevate the employee experience and thereby increase workforce retention.

Importance of Employee Experience

The quality of employee experience directly influences employee engagement as well as the productivity and loyalty of team members. A positive experience fosters an environment where employees feel valued and respected. This leads to higher satisfaction rates and motivation levels. Prioritizing the employee experience is crucial for companies aiming to boost their overall performance and competitive edge. 

According to research by Salesforce, a company could increase revenues by up to 50% by improving the employee experience. For this reason, executives should recognize their employees and talent management practices as potentially very high-value investments. 

Employee experience shapes the perception of company culture and affects every interaction an employee has within the organization. From the physical work environment to the digital tools used for communication, each aspect plays a vital role in their daily satisfaction. Implementing employee experience ideas such as flexible work arrangements, employee engagement activities, and recognition programs can significantly enhance the workplace atmosphere.

Gallagher’s State of the Sector 2023/24 confirms many factors contribute to the employee experience. But the top priority for 2024 is to engage employees and teams on values, purpose, and strategy. 

“Perhaps it’s just an easy metric to assign, but with so many factors contributing to the employee experience, from leadership to digital tools to ways of working, shouldn’t engagement be more of an organizational goal, supported by communication?”

Pepper Krach, Gallagher Area VP

There’s no doubt that a strong emphasis on employee experience helps in attracting and retaining top talent. In an era where skilled professionals have numerous options, companies that invest in creating a supportive and engaging work environment stand out. By using creative employee engagement ideas, organizations can ensure that employees not only join their team but also choose to grow with them over time.

importance of employee experience

Significance of Employee Retention

Moving on from the essence of providing a stellar employee experience, retaining your workforce is equally important — which is why we need to constantly focus on EX. So, let’s explore the significance of employee retention to see how it plays a pivotal role in the success of organizations.

Retaining employees is critical for maintaining a stable and productive workforce. High turnover rates can lead to significant costs, including the expenses associated with hiring and training new employees, as well as lost productivity during the transition process. This is why finding effective employee experience ideas to retain your workforce is highly cost-effective in the long run.

According to the Work Institute’s 2023 Retention Report: The Complexities of Employee Retention, the average cost when an employee quits is about $18,000. That puts the costs of turnover for employers at more than 900 billion dollars! 

importance of employee retention

Their report states that first-year turnover is a problem that continues to plague organizations. The survey found that in 2022, 35% of turnover occurred within the first year of employment with 37% occurring within the first 90 days.

Besides the financial implications, a stable workforce enhances company culture and builds a sense of community and belonging among team members. When employees see their peers growing and achieving milestones within the organization, it fosters a positive work environment that encourages others to strive for similar success. This cohesiveness is crucial for creating a team that works well together and is committed to company goals.

The significance of retaining talent also extends to preserving institutional knowledge and expertise. Experienced employees deeply understand company processes, culture, and customer needs, which can be difficult to replace. Implementing employee engagement programs and activities helps maintain high morale and ensures that valuable knowledge stays within the company.

In 2024, the driving forces behind engagement will look a bit different according to the Qualtrics 2024 Employee Experience Trends Report. They predict that meeting career goals together with learning and development are going to rise in importance. This means there is a real need for organizations to address employees’ ongoing desire for growth. 

Qualtrics identifies current five employee experience trends:

  1. Employees would prefer AI to assist rather than manage them
  2. Frontline employees are the least trusting, unhappy, and poorly supported staff members
  3. The new-job honeymoon employment phase no longer exists
  4. Employees are happy to open up work emails and chats to be fully heard, but they aren’t so sure about social media
  5. Some time in the office is better than none — unless it’s five days

Some interesting statistics the Qualtrics survey reveals is that 53% of engaged employees are comfortable with AI at work. Only 30% of disengaged employees feel this way. Breaking this down further, they found that 65% of C-suite executives are comfortable with AI versus only 46% of managers. 

Overall, the AI-related task employees are most at ease with is getting AI to assist with writing. 

Bear these in mind when you implement strategies to increase employee engagement and improve employee experience. 

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Employee Experience Ideas

With a clear understanding of the importance of both employee experience and workforce retention, we can start to explore various ideas and strategies to enhance these areas. We’ve chosen 30 of the best employee experience ideas that can transform the way your team feels and performs. 

To highlight the relevance, we have grouped them into 10 categories, with three employee experience ideas in each:

  1. Positive work environment
  2. Career development and growth opportunities
  3. Recognition and rewards
  4. Work-life balance initiatives
  5. Communication and feedback channels
  6. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives
  7. Technology for the employee experience
  8. Employee well-being support
  9. Team building and social activities
  10. Positive leadership culture

As you work through the list, remember that employees want to feel engaged, empowered, and fulfilled within their work environment. Satisfied employees are more productive, engaged, and likely to stay with the company. This will lead to increased profitability and reduced turnover costs.

Positive Work Environment 

A positive work environment fosters employee engagement, satisfaction, and overall well-being, leading to higher productivity and retention rates. On the other hand, a negative work environment can demotivate employees, decrease morale, and ultimately impact organizational success and growth negatively.

You want satisfied employees, so be sure to create and develop a positive work environment.

#1 Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements can significantly boost employee engagement by accommodating diverse work-life needs. Offering options such as remote work, flexible start and end times, or compressed workweeks, makes employees feel valued and understood. This flexibility can lead to increased productivity and satisfied employees.

According to the trends from Kincentric’s global employee database of more than 9 million respondents from over 2,500 organizations, virtual work arrangements allow employees to meet the needs of customers (as agreed by 87% of respondents). At the same time, 81% agree that these arrangements allow them to collaborate productively with their coworkers.

#2 Office Amenities and Facilities

Office amenities and facilities play a crucial role in creating an invigorating work environment. Modern, comfortable, and well-equipped workspaces can invigorate daily work life. Including relaxation zones, healthy snacks, fitness facilities, and other amenities can improve overall employee wellness, resulting in more satisfied employees. 

#3 Employee Wellness Programs

Employee wellness programs underpin a comprehensive approach to employee engagement, fostering a supportive company culture. By focusing on initiatives like on-site health screenings, exercise classes, and mental health support, organizations demonstrate that they care for their employees’ well-being. They also create an environment where individuals feel valued, empowered, and equipped to thrive, ultimately driving higher engagement and satisfaction.

Career Development and Growth Opportunities

Providing flexible work arrangements, enhancing office amenities, and offering wellness programs lay the foundation for a positive work environment. Done well, this will lead seamlessly to opportunities for career development and growth, empowering employees to pursue their professional aspirations and contribute to the company’s success. 

#4 Training and Development Programs

Training and development programs are essential to enable employees to cultivate their skills and advance in their careers. By investing in professional development, organizations can signal their commitment to employees’ future, enhancing retention and motivation.

This approach empowers employees to grow, thrive, and shape their future careers, strengthening both individuals and the organization. And providing learning opportunities demonstrates a company’s commitment to its employees’ growth, igniting their motivation and boosting loyalty.

#5 Mentorship and Coaching Initiatives

Mentorship and coaching initiatives further complement training programs by offering personalized guidance and support. These programs can help newer employees navigate the complexities of their roles and careers, fostering a culture of learning and development. 

Additionally, they provide experienced employees with opportunities to share their knowledge and contribute to the growth of others. This strengthens inter-generational bonds and collaboration within the organization.

#6 Promoting from Within

Promoting from within not only motivates employees to strive for excellence but also solidifies loyalty. The practice demonstrates trust in the workforce’s capabilities and creates a clear path for advancement, crucial for long-term engagement and the development of satisfied employees.

Promoting from within also aligns with a talent management strategy that prioritizes employee engagement. It reduces recruitment costs and fosters a sense of ownership within the organization. Companies that prioritize internal promotions often see decreased turnover rates, as employees feel valued and have a clear path to growth within the organization.

Recognition and Rewards

Having established the importance of career advancement opportunities, recognizing and rewarding employee contributions is vital to sustaining employee engagement and motivation. With recognition and rewards fostering a culture of appreciation, you will find that integrating work-life balance initiatives further enriches the employee experience.

#7 Employee Recognition Programs

Employee recognition programs are a direct method to acknowledge and celebrate achievements. Recognition can take many forms, from public acknowledgment in meetings to giving employee appreciation unique gifts, fueling a culture of appreciation

These programs not only boost employee morale and engagement but also encourage healthy competition and knowledge sharing. Ultimately, this leads to an overall high-performing and collaborative workforce.

#8 Performance-Based Incentives

Performance-based incentives, such as bonuses or gift cards, tangibly reward excellence and achievements. These incentives motivate individuals and teams towards higher performance levels, directly linking effort with rewards.

However, it’s crucial to design and communicate these incentives effectively to avoid unintended consequences and ensure they align with company values and performance goals.

#9 Employee Appreciation Events

Employee appreciation events, be it team lunches or company-wide celebrations, provide a platform for informal recognition and bonding. These events can significantly enhance team cohesion and sense of community within the organization. 

Furthermore, offering opportunities for casual interaction and team building outside of work fosters stronger relationships, leading to improved communication, trust, and ultimately, enhanced productivity.

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Work-Life Balance Initiatives

Ensuring employees maintain a healthy work-life balance paves the way for effective communication and feedback channels, essential for organizational growth and improvement. Organizations can offer a range of initiatives designed to empower employees to manage their time effectively, reduce stress, and achieve holistic well-being. 

#10 Paid Time Off Policies

Paid time off policies will ensure that employees can rest and rejuvenate, leading to a more engaged and productive workforce. Encouraging employees to take time off without worry supports mental and physical health. Ultimately, investing in employee downtime through generous paid time off allows for personal growth, and a more engaged and productive workforce.

#11 Remote Work Options

Remote work options offer flexibility and autonomy, accommodating personal life needs without sacrificing work responsibilities. By offering remote work solutions, organizations can create a flexible working environment that attracts and retains top talent who value autonomy and a healthy work-life balance. 

Additionally, by enabling employees to work remotely, organizations can contribute to a reduced carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability, which resonates with many modern job seekers.

#12 Family-Friendly Benefits

Family-friendly benefits, such as childcare support or flexible parental leave, underscore an organization’s commitment to its employees’ life balance. They also create a supportive environment where parents can excel both at work and at home.

Bear in mind that family-friendly benefits can be decisive factors for employees when choosing to stay with or leave a company.

Communication and Feedback Channels

By nurturing open lines of communication, organizations can seamlessly integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, further enriching the employee experience.

#13 Open-Door Policy

An open-door policy encourages transparency and trust, allowing employees to share ideas, concerns, and feedback directly with management. This openness can lead to quicker problem-solving and innovation. It also encourages employee engagement.

#14 Regular Feedback Sessions

Regular feedback sessions, whether through one-on-one meetings or team discussions, provide vital insights into employee satisfaction and challenges. These sessions help in tailoring strategies to improve the working environment and engagement.

If you opt to use in-house surveys (see below) to get information and feedback from employees, consider setting up sessions to discuss overall results. 

#15 Employee Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms

Employee surveys and feedback mechanisms, such as pulse surveys or anonymous comment boxes, allow for broad-based input on company policies, culture, and practices. Regularly gathering and acting upon this feedback demonstrates a genuine commitment to employee well-being.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives

DEI initiatives create a more inclusive and accepting work environment where all employees feel valued and respected, leading to a significant boost in employee experience. They create a positive ripple effect, improving EX in multiple ways that benefit both individual employees and the organization. 

DEI initiatives can produce an increased sense of belonging, improve motivation and employee engagement, enhance collaboration and teamwork, and ultimately produce more satisfied employees. 

#16 Diversity Training Programs

Diversity training programs raise awareness and understanding of the diverse backgrounds and perspectives within the workplace. These programs can foster a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

#17 Inclusive Policies and Practices

Inclusive policies and practices, such as equitable hiring processes and accommodation policies, ensure fairness and equity. These measures not only comply with legal standards but also strengthen company culture by embracing diversity.

#18 Employee Resource Groups

Employee resource groups offer a platform for employees with shared characteristics and/or experiences to support each other and influence organizational policies. These groups can be instrumental in highlighting and addressing specific diversity and inclusion issues.

Technology for Employee Experience

As diverse and inclusive environments become the norm, embracing and leveraging technology enhances and simplifies many aspects of the employee experience. Technology-driven solutions not only streamline processes but also support employee well-being, which remains an ever-important aspect of the modern workplace.

Here are three possibilities.

#19 HR Technology Solutions

HR technology solutions streamline administrative tasks, facilitating a more efficient work process for both employees and managers. These tools can range from payroll management systems to advanced analytics for measuring engagement.

#20 Employee Self-Service Portals

Employee self-service portals empower individuals by giving them direct access to personal data, benefits information, and organizational resources. This autonomy enhances the employee experience by simplifying procedures and access to information.

#21 Digital Communication Platforms

Digital communication platforms enable real-time collaboration and communication, whether employees are in the office or working remotely. These platforms can include internal social networks, chat applications, and video conferencing, fostering a connected workforce.

Employee Well-Being Support

Investing in employee well-being and creating a positive work environment results in happier, more satisfied employees who drive the company’s success. It also demonstrates the company’s commitment to creating a satisfying work experience.

Examples of well-being programs include health insurance, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for learning and development, as well as the resources and programs mentioned below.

#22 Mental Health Resources

Mental health resources, such as counseling services or stress management seminars, address the critical aspect of psychological well-being. Prioritizing mental health is essential for a healthy, productive workforce.

#23 Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs can provide confidential, professional support for personal and work-related issues. These programs underscore the company’s commitment to the overall well-being of employees.

#24 Work-Life Balance Workshops

Work-life balance workshops offer strategies and tips for managing work responsibilities alongside personal commitments. These workshops can be invaluable in helping employees achieve a satisfactory balance, leading to more satisfied employees and increased engagement.

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Team Building and Social Activities

Supporting employee well-being is crucial. Yet fostering team spirit and camaraderie through team-building and social activities is as important to further solidifying the bonds within the workforce.

#25 Team Building Exercises

Team-building exercises, such as problem-solving tasks or outdoor adventures, reinforce collaboration and improve communication among team members. These activities can break down barriers and foster a spirit of unity.

#26 Social Events and Gatherings

Social events and gatherings, from casual team lunches to formal company galas, offer opportunities for employees to interact outside of work-related contexts. These events enrich the company culture and strengthen interpersonal relationships.

#27 Community Service Initiatives

Community service initiatives enable employees to engage with their local communities, enhancing a sense of purpose and belonging. Volunteering as a team can also boost morale and offer a different perspective on teamwork and collaborative success.

Creating a Positive Leadership Culture

While team-building activities strengthen interpersonal bonds, cultivating a positive leadership culture is fundamental to creating an environment where employees feel empowered and appreciated. Focused efforts to create a positive leadership culture can enable organizations to achieve a thriving workplace where employees are engaged, motivated, and loyal. 

#28 Transparent Leadership Practices

Transparent leadership practices, such as sharing company news openly and inviting employee input on decisions, nurture trust and respect between employees and management. This transparency is key to a harmonious workplace and happy, satisfied employees.

#29 Leadership Development Programs

Leadership development programs offer training and experiences to nurture the next generation of leaders within the organization. Developing leadership skills among employees not only prepares them for future roles but also enhances their engagement and commitment.

#30 Empowering and Trusting Employees

Empowering and trusting employees by delegating meaningful responsibilities and valuing their contributions can transform the workplace dynamic. This empowerment leads to greater innovation, commitment, and overall job satisfaction.

How Can Cerkl Broadcast Help to Foster Employee Experience?

Cerkl Broadcast is a versatile omnichannel platform that caters to the needs of all organizations, big and small, regardless of structure. There are many ways that it contributes to fostering a positive EX, particularly by enhancing communication and strengthening employee engagement. 

For example, Broadcast allows you to send targeted and personalized messages across multiple channels (email, mobile app, and internal platforms) ensuring everyone receives relevant information on the channel they prefer. Two-way communication is encouraged via surveys of all types, including via a pulse survey tool. And you can showcase employee achievements and successes through various internal communication channels, promoting a culture of appreciation and belonging.

You can gather information from employees from survey feedback and act on key insights. This will demonstrate responsiveness and commitment to employee well-being, improving EX.

The Broadcast platform enables internal communicators to deliver personalized content based on employee roles, interests, and preferences, ensuring relevance and engagement. You can also use it to set goals and boost employee engagement. 

digital employee experience platform

You can share company resources, benefits information, and mental health support options through Broadcast, increasing employee awareness. You can also use the platform as a resource to offer tips on managing work-life balance, helping employees prioritize their well-being. 

Broadcast offers exceptional, real-time analytics that will enable you to track the effectiveness of communication efforts and employee engagement levels. This will help internal communicators and HR departments to understand what resonates and then make data-driven decisions for improvement.

What’s Next?

By focusing on open communication, personalization, and employee well-being, you can leverage the Broadcast platform to create a more positive and engaging work environment. 

But before you get started, it’s a good idea to conduct a strategic internal communications audit. Cerkl offers a complimentary audit template that, once complete, will provide valuable insights into where you are and where you need to improve.

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What are the ideas for employee engagement?

There are many ideas for employee engagement. If you want to foster connection and purpose, create opportunities for collaboration and team-building. You can also empower employees and encourage employee engagement through meaningful decision-making and skills development opportunities. 
Another idea for employee engagement is to focus on well-being and flexibility. For instance, implementing work-life balance initiatives cultivates happier, less stressed employees who feel valued and supported, leading to increased engagement, motivation, and loyalty.

What is the ideal employee experience?

The ideal employee experience is both meaningful and supported. Employees want to feel valued and know that they are contributing to a clear purpose. They need opportunities for growth and development as well as a healthy work-life balance. They want to experience trust and open communication and receive resources and recognition for their efforts. 

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